PEMF Therapy
PEMF stands for Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields. Science teaches us that everything is energy, and all energy is electromagnetic in nature. All cells, atoms and chemicals produce electromagnetic fields (EMF's). Every organ in the body also produces its own electromagnetic field. Communication between all of the 70 trillion cells in the body takes place through electromagnetic frequencies. Any interruption in normal electromagnetic frequencies will result in subnormal function of the body. This is to say that electromagnetic energy controls the chemistry of the body which in turn controls tissue function, so if there is a disruption the disease process can begin, or continue.
Pulsed electromagnetic fields address the physics of the body which addresses the impaired chemistry and the function of cells, which can bring about healing. PEMF's deliver beneficial EMF's and frequencies to the cells. Dr. William Pawluk, MD states that "Low frequency PEMF's of even the weakest strengths pass right through the body, penetrating every cell, tissue, organ and even bone without being absorbed or altered. As they pass through, they stimulate most of the electrical and chemical processes in the tissues." Thus, PEMF's can be a very positive therapy designed to result in improved cellular health and function.
Pulsed electromagnetic fields address the physics of the body which addresses the impaired chemistry and the function of cells, which can bring about healing. PEMF's deliver beneficial EMF's and frequencies to the cells. Dr. William Pawluk, MD states that "Low frequency PEMF's of even the weakest strengths pass right through the body, penetrating every cell, tissue, organ and even bone without being absorbed or altered. As they pass through, they stimulate most of the electrical and chemical processes in the tissues." Thus, PEMF's can be a very positive therapy designed to result in improved cellular health and function.
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